The complete list of publications with their respective scitations can be seen in my Google Sholar.


Lucas A.S. Rosa, Flavio Prebianca, Anderson Hoff, Cesar Manchein, Holokx A. Albuquerque. 2020. Characterizing the Dynamics of the Watt Governor System Under Harmonic Perturbation and Gaussian Noise, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, No. 01, 2030001.

Featured Article, and our result is the cover of International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30-01.


Anderson Hoff, Isidro Cruz-cruz, Mariana C. Siqueira, Kleber D. Machado, Ivo A. Hümmelgen. 2019. GaxSe10-x based solar cells: Some alternatives for the improvement in their performance parameters, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 193, 141–148.

Nathan S. Nicolau, Tulio M. Oliveira, Anderson Hoff, Holokx A. Albuquerque, Cesar Manchein. 2019. Tracking multistability in the parameter space of a Chua’s circuit model, The European Physical Journal B 92, No. 106.


Anderson Hoff, Isidro Cruz-cruz, Mariana C. Siqueira, Kleber D. Machado, Ivo A. Hümmelgen. 2017. Influence of an interfacial cesium oxide thin layer in the performance and internal dynamic processes of GaSe9 solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 171, 1–7.

Mariana C. Siqueira, Anderson Hoff, Criatiane De Col, Kleber D. Machado, Ivo A. Hümmelgen, Jose P.M. Serbena. 2017. Enhancement of P3HT organic photodiodes by the addition of a GaSe9 alloy thin layer, Semiconductor Science and Technology 32, No. 8.

David W.C. Marcondes, Guilherme F. Comassetto, Bruna G. Pedro, Jose C.C. Vieira, Anderson Hoff, Flavio Prebianca, Cesar Manchein, Holokx A. Albuquerque. 2017. Extensive Numerical Study and Circuitry Implementation of the Watt Governor Model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, No. 11 .


Anderson Hoff, Isidro Cruz-cruz, Mariana C. Siqueira, Kleber D. Machado, Ivo A. Hümmelgen. 2016. Morphological, optical and electrical properties of GaSe9 films and its application in photovoltaic devices, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28, 2241-2249.


Anderson Hoff, Denilson T. Da Silva, Cesar Manchein, Holokx A. Albuquerque. 2014. Bifurcation structures and transient chaos in a four-dimensional Chua model, Physics Letters A 378, 171–177.

Anderson Hoff, Juliana V. dos Santos, Cesar Manchein, Holokx A. Albuquerque. 2014. Numerical bifurcation analysis of two coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators, The European Physical Journal B 87, 1–9.

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